New World Order
The Imperial Presidency of GW BUsh has remained quiet of late, making me curious as to what the next move of Karl Rove is. Lest anyone forget, the machine that drives the BUsh administraiton is Karl Rove, the fanatical genius who delivered the White House to GW by most notably :
1. Using push polls in South Carolina to destroy the reputation of John McCain, and stir up racial fears among the voters (claiming his Bangladeshi daughter was an illegitimate black girl. Wait, was that Strom Thurmond?).
2. Creating an orgnaization called Swift Vote Veterans for truth, and using their hatred for John Kerry's antiwar actvities to spread lies about his war record.
In addition, one can also say that the 9-11 tragedy was used deftly by Rove to move support behind the President during a "time of war." As a result, with the President's approval ratings falling, and with some serious failures in social security, the Schiavo fiasco and the filibuster (amazing-especially with the lap dog dems. One would think they would be able to steam roll their agenda) one would have to assume that something is up. What is their plan?
There can be no denying that the ultimate plan is domination of all international institutions, and the creation of a "Pax American" that is a peace of America in which global peace is based upon the dominance of what George Bush Senior called the New World Order.
What is this New World Order? I would invite those interested to do their research, but it is simply a World Empire, run by a wealthy, unelected elite. So far, it appears to be emerging in the following ways:
1. It is financial. The IMF, World Bank, Cafta, Nafta, etc all of these financial/national organizations have combined to create a world economy. We truly are a global market place, led by the US.
2. It is technological. The internet, sattelites, cell phones, etc connect everyone in the world. It is now possible to electronically monitor and track just about any citizen who wishes to be a part of this global economy. In addition, it is possible to place a chip in a person's skin which will identify them, and perhaps even keep vital financial information on it. Sounds an awful lot like the mark of the beast.
3. It has a propoganda arm. The corporate media conglomerates are enthusiastically selling the idea of a global world order, led by the US and helped along by the emerging EU. Television media especially has become for all intents and purposes propoganda arms of the US government, and the rich elites that control the world economy, and the emerging technological web that will function to control the masses.
4. It is backed up by the US military, and its stockpile of nuclear weapons. Recently the US has changed the rules of engagement to include the right of premptively attackign any country they deem a threat to its National Security now or in the future. ALong this line of reasoning, one could imagine the US launching a nuclear attack against a country that theu felt might have Nukes themselves as a pretext for establishing a single world government to protect the internaitonal financial community and the emerging world empire.
I have a feeling that if they cannot get Iran to play ball, then they are next. The use of a nuke against Iran is a distinct possibility. The US could argue like with Japan, that the Iranians would fight to the death, and this was the only way to save US and Iranian lives. Either way, the reason will not be the war on terror, but instead the estblishment of the New World Order.
1. Using push polls in South Carolina to destroy the reputation of John McCain, and stir up racial fears among the voters (claiming his Bangladeshi daughter was an illegitimate black girl. Wait, was that Strom Thurmond?).
2. Creating an orgnaization called Swift Vote Veterans for truth, and using their hatred for John Kerry's antiwar actvities to spread lies about his war record.
In addition, one can also say that the 9-11 tragedy was used deftly by Rove to move support behind the President during a "time of war." As a result, with the President's approval ratings falling, and with some serious failures in social security, the Schiavo fiasco and the filibuster (amazing-especially with the lap dog dems. One would think they would be able to steam roll their agenda) one would have to assume that something is up. What is their plan?
There can be no denying that the ultimate plan is domination of all international institutions, and the creation of a "Pax American" that is a peace of America in which global peace is based upon the dominance of what George Bush Senior called the New World Order.
What is this New World Order? I would invite those interested to do their research, but it is simply a World Empire, run by a wealthy, unelected elite. So far, it appears to be emerging in the following ways:
1. It is financial. The IMF, World Bank, Cafta, Nafta, etc all of these financial/national organizations have combined to create a world economy. We truly are a global market place, led by the US.
2. It is technological. The internet, sattelites, cell phones, etc connect everyone in the world. It is now possible to electronically monitor and track just about any citizen who wishes to be a part of this global economy. In addition, it is possible to place a chip in a person's skin which will identify them, and perhaps even keep vital financial information on it. Sounds an awful lot like the mark of the beast.
3. It has a propoganda arm. The corporate media conglomerates are enthusiastically selling the idea of a global world order, led by the US and helped along by the emerging EU. Television media especially has become for all intents and purposes propoganda arms of the US government, and the rich elites that control the world economy, and the emerging technological web that will function to control the masses.
4. It is backed up by the US military, and its stockpile of nuclear weapons. Recently the US has changed the rules of engagement to include the right of premptively attackign any country they deem a threat to its National Security now or in the future. ALong this line of reasoning, one could imagine the US launching a nuclear attack against a country that theu felt might have Nukes themselves as a pretext for establishing a single world government to protect the internaitonal financial community and the emerging world empire.
I have a feeling that if they cannot get Iran to play ball, then they are next. The use of a nuke against Iran is a distinct possibility. The US could argue like with Japan, that the Iranians would fight to the death, and this was the only way to save US and Iranian lives. Either way, the reason will not be the war on terror, but instead the estblishment of the New World Order.